our latest furniture products

1 comment:

  1. Aimee Carter12/3/09, 2:44 AM


    I´ve visited your website http://www.furniturego.blogspot.com/ and I was wondering if it would be possible to get a link to my partner's website on it?

    I'll place a link back to you in this other websites, your link will be placed exactly here:

    http://www.allhabo.com/ page rank 3 (It´s a Security Guide website)

    If you agree, then please link to me using these details:

    TITLE: Money Pen
    URL: http://www.c-p-p.co.uk/product/asp/ProdID/2059/CtgID/1016/af/page.htm
    DESCRIPTION: Check the authenticity of bank notes with the Money Pen.

    Please don't forget to send me the title of your website after you place my link so I can do the same in less than 24 hours, otherwise you can delete my link from your site.

    I´ll be waiitng for your kind reply


    Aimee Carter
    Online Marketing Consultant
